Restorative Yoga 12/14/19

Restorative Yoga with Amanda


DECEMBER 14, 2019 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Join Amanda and take a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season with a restorative yoga class. Restorative yoga is a gentle, grounding yoga practice that takes place completely on the floor. Yoga poses are held with the assistance of props to allow you to surrender and relax deeply into each pose. 

Warm neck wraps and hot herbal tea will be provided too! 

Come on out for a morning of restorative yoga and leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready for your day! 


Cost is $25 for each participant. Bring your punch-card, or purchase one at this event and participate for 2 punches, a $5 savings over the cash price!

Make a morning of it and join Amanda at 8:30 - 9:30 for her regular class, then the Restorative class.   3 punches and you will be good to go.  This is a savings of $7 over the cash price for the regular class and the Restorative class!


Space is limited,  drop us a line to make sure you don't miss out.